Crunchy Roast Potatoes 3-ways!
Just in time for Christmas! Roast potatoes are the make-or-break of Christmas dinner for me, and my Grandma has that special grandma talent that makes them perfect every time. If I could have a plate full of roast potatoes for Christmas dinner I could - it's because of this that some years ago, a 4 potato limit was been set around the dinner table for me and my cousins.
Seeing as I can't get back home to New Zealand this year, this is my go at making my own.
I made a quick video on my 3 favourite ways to serve roast potatoes, and this is the accompanying instructions. Check out the video below.

Classic Crispy Roast Potatoes
Takes 1.5 hours.
You will need:
Potatoes good for roasting
A handful of Rosemary
3-4 Garlic
1 cup of vegetable oil
First, preheat the oven to 220º celsius/bake and boil a large pot of water with a pinch of salt.
Peel as many potatoes as you need, cut into large chunks and place in the pot of boiling Waterfords 10-15 minutes, or until fork tender.
While the potatoes are boiling, chop up the garlic and rosemary.
In a saucepan, heat up the vegetable oil to a medium heat, and add in the garlic and rosemary and infuse for about 10 minutes, making sure that the garlic and rosemary doesn't burn.
Once the oil is infuse, sift the oil into a heatproof boil - but don't throw out the crispy garlic and rosemary!
Drain the potatoes and leave them to steam off the excess moisture for a few minutes. After that, toss the potatoes until they build up a sticky/fluffy outer layer. (See the video above for a visual example)
Toss the potatoes with the infused oil, you only need enough oil to coat the potatoes in a thin layer. Any left over oil you can bottle and reuse at a later date.
Tip the potatoes onto an oven tray, making sure aren't touching each other (otherwise the won't crisp!). You may need 2 tray depending on how many potatoes you are making. Sprinkle with a touch of salt.
Cook in the oven for 20 minutes to start, then flip the potatoes.
Cook for another 20 minutes and then flip the potatoes again.
Cook for a final 10-15 minutes and they should be perfectly crispy on each side.
Serve with the crispy rosemary and garlic, and an extra pinch of salt!
Crushed Roast Potatoes

Takes 1 hour.
You will need:
A bag of small potatoes.
First, preheat the oven to 220º celsius/bake and boil a large pot of water with a pinch of salt.
Wash the potatoes (don't peel!) and place them into the pot of boiling water.
Boil for 15- 20 minutes, or until they are soft (almost mashable).
Drain the potatoes and let the excess water steam off.
Place the potatoes onto a baking tray, and then with a fork, press down on the centre of the potato - slightly mashing it, but still holding together by the skin.
Drizzle with oil and salt, and then place in the oven for 30-40 minutes or until golden and crispy.
These potatoes are best served with gravy, and they soak the gravy into its crevices. Delightful.

Hassleback Potatoes
Takes 1h15 mins
You will need:
1 or 2 large potato per person.
First, preheat the oven to 200º celsius/bake.
Slice the potato in thin strips, but not cutting all the way down to the bottom.
Brush potatoes with oil or butter, and sprinkle with salt.
Place on an oven tray and place at the bottom of the oven for 1 hour, or until cooked.
Serve with a sprinkle of salt, or if you have any cooked rosemary and garlic, that would go well too!